Department of Enterprise Services (DES), Washington State, Contract 02120

Contract Summary

Sign Language Interpreter Services – Referral Agencies
Contract #: 02120, Sign Language Interpreter Services
Contract Scope This Statewide Contract is for Sign Language Interpreter Services through Referral Agencies. Under this statewide contract a sign language interpreter will accurately convey messages between two different languages. The interpreter is there for both deaf and hearing individuals. The act of interpreting occurs when a hearing person speaks, and an interpreter renders the speaker’s meaning into sign language, or other forms used by the deaf party(ies). The interpreting also happens in reverse: when a deaf person signs, an interpreter renders the meaning expressed in the signs into the oral language for the hearing party, which is sometimes referred to as voice interpreting or voicing.

Interpreting services can be delivered in multiple modalities. This contract offers the following:

  • In-Person Interpreting (IPI).
  • Video Interpreting (VI) or Video Relay Service (VRS)

This statewide contract does not include:

  • Over-The-Phone Interpreting (OPI).
  • Video Remote Interpreting (VRI).

This contract is part of the Language Access Program. Information about the Language Access Program Statewide Contracts can be found on the DES website under Language Access Contracts and the Language Access Guide.

View the Ordering Instructions for this contract and learn more about available services.
Learn more about the Sign Language Interpreter Contracts and Resources Program.

NEW TRAINING VIDEOS for the Language Access program are now live on the Language Access webpage. The “Language Access Statewide Contracts Training” modules instruct on how to successfully purchase language access services through a DES Statewide Contract and the “Sign Language Interpreter Services” modules instruct on how to utilize sign language interpreter services. Each training video goes over step-by-step processes, a tour of the Contract Summary Pages, what to expect when ordering services, and more. Please feel free to use the survey field to provide feedback on your experience with the training videos.

Contact Information:
Universal Language Service Inc.
Awarded Categories: VI/VRS and IPI – All Regions (888) 462-0500 or (425) 450-7020